Boobook Owl


A Boobook Owl on an old railway sacktruck. Commonly known in Australia as the “Mopoke”, derived from their distinctive call often heard at night, which sounds almost like “more pork”.

  • 36cm (W) by 51cm (H)

  • Silverpoint with acrylic wash

  • FREE postage and packaging

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A Boobook Owl on an old railway sacktruck. Commonly known in Australia as the “Mopoke”, derived from their distinctive call often heard at night, which sounds almost like “more pork”.

  • 36cm (W) by 51cm (H)

  • Silverpoint with acrylic wash

  • FREE postage and packaging


A Boobook Owl on an old railway sacktruck. Commonly known in Australia as the “Mopoke”, derived from their distinctive call often heard at night, which sounds almost like “more pork”.

  • 36cm (W) by 51cm (H)

  • Silverpoint with acrylic wash

  • FREE postage and packaging